Module Hardcaml_waveterm.Wave_format

Display format for a single wave (a row in the complete waveform).

type t =
| Binary(*


| Bit(*

Like Binary, but shows a single bit as a line.

| Bit_or of t(*

If width=1 then Bits otherwise t

| Hex(*


| Unsigned_int(*

Unsigned integer.

| Int(*

Signed integer.

| Index of Base.string Base.list(*

Use data as index into given list of strings.

| Custom of Hardcaml.Bits.t -> Base.string(*

User defined formatting.

val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t

Custom constructors are compared for physical equality.

include Base.Equal.S with type t := t
val equal : t Base__Equal.equal