Pipelined adder with a constant 2 cycle latency.
Florent de Dinechin, Hong Diep Nguyen, Bogdan Pasca. Pipelined FPGA Adders. International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, Aug 2010, Milano, Italy. pp.422-427, ff10.1109/FPL.2010.87ff. ffensl-00475780v2f
There is an output combinational delay of a single adder:
width / part_width
The maximum delay is an adder of width:
max (width / part_width) (part_width*2)
val comb :
(module Hardcaml.Comb.S with type t = 'a) ->
part_width:Base.int ->
'a ->
'a ->
Combinational version of the circuit. For testing.
val create :
part_width:Base.int ->
clock:Hardcaml.Signal.t ->
?clear:Hardcaml.Signal.t ->
Hardcaml.Signal.t ->
Hardcaml.Signal.t ->
Sequential circuit with 2 cycle delay.